Chiropractic treatment for Back and Neck pain
Back Pain
Chiropractors are best known for treating back pain as we do it with great success. Your pain is often described as a dull ache or a sharp shooting and electrical pain, radiating down your leg.
We treat all types of back pain:
- Sacroiliac Syndrome
- Lumbar Sprain/Strain
- Lumbar facet Syndrome
- Lumbar Disc herniation
- Lumbar DJD
- Scoliosis
Dr. Anneke Lees specialize in diagnosing your type of back pain and then coming up with the best treatment plan for you.
This ranges from:
- Lumbar adjustment
- Lumber mobilization
- Traction
- Soft tissue massage
- Strapping
- Dry needing
- Rehab exercice
Neck Pain
There are many causes of Neck pain. Dr. Anneke Lees will do a full history and examination to determine the root cause.
We treat all types of Neck pain:
- Discogenic pain syndrome
- Cervical Sprain/Strain
- Cervical Facet Syndrome
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Cervical DJD
- Torticollis
- TMJ Syndrome
Dr. Anneke Lees specialize in diagnosing your type of neck pain and then coming up with the best treatment plan for you.
This ranges from:
- Cervical adjustment
- Cervical mobilization
- Cervical Traction
- Soft tissue massage
- Strapping
- Dry needing
- Rehab exercises

Move better, feel better, be your best
Call or Whatsapp today to book an Appointment