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How to find the best Chiropractor near you

How to find the best Chiropractor near you

I have recently moved to Kloof in KZN and thus I find myself turning to Google to help me find the best provider close to home….but it seems like its not that simple. The first page on Google is taken up by Google ads and leaves you confused to which provider to...
Baby wearing

Baby wearing

I recently attended a webinar by Eildh Venning, a qualified baby wearing expert hosted by PCSA.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. It reminded me why so many women still choose to baby wear and all the amazing benefits but most importantly it reminded me about the...
Looking back and looking forward

Looking back and looking forward

Looking back I have just arrived back in Durban after a wonderful 3 years of living and practising in the Vaal and, at this point,  I cannot help but reminisce over my experience as a Chiropractor serving the Vaal community. I have learnt an enormous amount and...

What to expect at your follow up appointment?

Your follow-up appointment A follow-up is generally required within a week of your first consultation to monitor progress and continue with treatment. The follow-up consultation is generally shorter and patients can expect it to take between 20 and 30 minutes. The...

What to expect when going to your Chiropractor?

Your 1st appointment The first appointment is a comprehensive assessment. Patients can expect this appointment to take approximately 40 mins. It is important to dress comfortably and to arrive 5 minutes before your appointed time to complete the necessary patient...